4 Questions To Ask Yourself While Preparing For CUET

4 Questions To Ask Yourself While Preparing For CUET


4 Questions To Ask Yourself While Preparing For CUET

Introduced in the year 2021, The Common University Entrance Test, or CUET, is the premiere examination for a large number of college aspirants every year. Scoring high in it enables one to choose from over 200 universities for admission, including but not limited to prestigious collegiates like Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Banaras Hindu University (BHU), and Delhi University (DU). However, it isn’t easy. This exam is a test of grit and determination, one supplemented by ample preparation. But it is easy to lose sight of one’s goal. To that end, I have prepared a list of questions that can help an aspirant stay on track and prepare for the CUET comfortably.


Have I Sorted My Syllabus?


It is crucial for one to make sure that they know the ins and outs of the CUET syllabus, especially if their board of education is CBSE. The CUET exam’s syllabus can also make use of topics omitted by the CBSE. The syllabus is also subject to potential revision, so it stands to reason that students pay attention to it. Thus, an aspiring candidate should not grow complacent.

But this isn’t all there is to do when preparing to study. At its core, sorting one’s syllabus requires the analysis of the various subjects and topics at hand, arranging them by the order of difficulty and personal ambition, and setting the topics in such a way that they are easier to digest. Preparing for the CUET in such a manner would enable you to not spend too much or too little time on subjects.


Am I Studying Consistently?

One of the most important stages to preparation is the setting up of a routine. A continuous stream of steady effort vastly eclipses short bursts of intense activity, in most cases. Even studying for a couple hours every day would make sure you’re prepared for the exams by the time they arrive. A consistent schedule also helps prevent burnout. You would neither study too little and feel anxious nor study too much and feel exhaustion. Your schedule needs to remain on a constant rhythm, in such a way that you would feel the need to study right when the hour for it comes. 

If it is difficult to stick to a schedule, you can look for someone to be your accountability partner. It is a role fulfilled by those whose job is to remind someone about an obligation. You can either ask a family member or a friend to do this.


What are my expectations? How realistic are they?

Technically two questions, but they discuss the same thing. Setting expectations is necessary for motivating oneself, but their degree of realism must fall under the realm of reality. Asking too much of yourself would usually set you up for failure. While some may recommend setting up zero expectations to get rid of stress, it isn’t necessarily effective. Your expectations need to be met with equal effort. Adequate planning will enable you to understand where your expectations and desires lie, and how they can be met.


Am I Testing Myself?

Constantly checking up your progress is usually a good idea, especially if the CUET exams are close. Mock tests are a sure-fire way of judging your skill level and where exactly you stand in the preparation for CUET. Years-old papers help understand exam patterns old and new, along with developing familiarity with answering questions under a time limit.

Mock tests are not the only way to test yourself. Rapid-fire rounds with a friend, quizzes, online trivia, and group sessions are just as effective, if not more for some.


CUET replaced CBSE and other examination board scores in the selection of admission into colleges. Studying for the exam is certainly a challenge, but not an impossible trial. However, you must take care of your mental health while studying. No matter what, personal health comes first. Effort is nearly always rewarded, and mistakes are a part of life. Take heart as they come.